1. We offer worldwide shipping, for small and medium sized orders, we use express shipping, for larger orders, we use air or sea shipping.
  2. The shipping cost is varies by weight and country.
  3. For orders shipped by express delivery, you can check the shipping cost after adding the products to your shopping cart. (Please add enough products so that you can check the exact shipping cost)
  4. For larger orders, please contact us and we will provide you with real-time air or sea freight charges.
  5. We also have Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) shipping method, if you see the shipping method labelled “DDP” or “Customs cleared” in the cart and checkout page, then that’s the method. (Supported only to the United States, Europe and some other countries)

Shipping Info Table

EUROPE Delivery Duty Paid (Customs Cleared)
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation
Europe Austria DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Belgium DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Bulgaria DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Croatia DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Czech Republic DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Estonia DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Finland DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe France DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Germany DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Greece DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Ireland DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Italy DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Latvia DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Lithuania DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Netherlands DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Poland DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Portuga DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Slovakia DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Slovenia DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Spain DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Romania DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Europe Sweden DHL/UPS/DPD Express Free Delivery duty paid
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation
USA United States UPS Ground/ Fedex Free Delivery duty paid
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation
UK United Kingdom DPD/ UPS Express Free Delivery duty paid
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation
Asia UAE Special Line Transportation Free Delivery duty paid
Asia Malaysia Special Line Transportation Free Delivery duty paid
Asia Thailand Special Line Transportation Free Delivery duty paid
Asia Vietnam Special Line Transportation Free Delivery duty paid
Asia Myanmar Special Line Transportation Free Delivery duty paid
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation MOQ
Asia Japan Special Line Transportation $10/kg Delivery duty paid 15kg
Asia Pakistan Special Line Transportation $15/kg Delivery duty paid 11kg
Asia Philippines Special Line Transportation $1/kg Delivery duty paid 11kg
Asia Australia Special Line Transportation $3/kg Delivery duty paid 21kg
Asia Chinese Taiwan Special Line Transportation $3.5/kg Delivery duty paid 11kg
Asia Indonesia Special Line Transportation $10/kg Delivery duty paid 11kg
North America Canada Special Line Transportation <12kg, $10/kg
<21kg, $5/kg
>21, $3.3/kg
Delivery duty paid 1kg
North America Mexico Special Line Transportation $3.5/kg Delivery duty paid 10kg
Zone Countries Shipping Method Shipping Rate Type of transportation
Europe Switzerland UPS Express <22kg, $5/kg
>22kg, free
You will need to clear customs and pay import duties yourself
Asia-Pacific New Zealand UPS Express <22kg, $12/kg
>22kg, $7/kg
You will need to clear customs and pay import duties yourself